Cheat Code Megaman NES All Power

Mega Man, known as Rockman[a] in Japan, is a Japanese science fiction video game franchise created by Capcom, starring a series of robot characters each known by the moniker "Mega Man". The original game was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1987, and spawned a franchise that expanded to over 50 games on multiple systems. As of July 26, 2022, the series has sold 38 million units worldwide.[1]

The main series consists of eleven games, the standalone Mega Man & Bass, the spin-off Game Boy series (released in Japan as Rockman World), and various ports, remakes, and compilations. The core games in the franchise have all been set in a single continuity; the storyline of the "classic" series is succeeded by the Mega Man X, Mega Man Zero, Mega Man ZX, and the Mega Man Legends series. This timeline excludes the spin-off Mega Man Battle Network and Mega Man Star Force series, both of which take place in an alternate universe where the internet flourished rather than robotics.[2]

For Cheat Code Megaman NES :

S:06D4:00:1 Hit Kills Enemies (1 of 12) S:06D5:00:1 Hit Kills Enemies (2 of 12) S:06D6:00:1 Hit Kills Enemies (3 of 12) S:06D7:00:1 Hit Kills Enemies (4 of 12) S:06D8:00:1 Hit Kills Enemies (5 of 12) S:06D9:00:1 Hit Kills Enemies (6 of 12) S:06DA:00:1 Hit Kills Enemies (7 of 12) S:06DB:00:1 Hit Kills Enemies (8 of 12) S:06DC:00:1 Hit Kills Enemies (9 of 12) S:06DD:00:1 Hit Kills Enemies (10 of 12) S:06DE:00:1 Hit Kills Enemies (11 of 12) S:06DF:00:1 Hit Kills Enemies (12 of 12) SC:8372:25:04:255 Maximum Energy Tanks SC:82F8:FF:1C:255 Maximum Life (1 of 2) SC:8305:FF:1C:255 Maximum Life (2 of 2) SC:8380:FF:63:255 Maximum Lives SC:8344:FF:1C:255 Maximum Weapon Ammo [All Weapons - Shows Up To 28] SC:8C40:90:B0:After Jumping, You Fall Down Slower (And Can Walk In Air) SC:8515:05:FF:After Pause In Game (Start) You Jump With 5 Pixels SC:80E2:00:DC:Allow Access to Any Defeated Boss Stage SC:DDBA:AD:A5:Always Shoot Full Atomic Fire (1 of 3) SC:DDBB:F4:00:Always Shoot Full Atomic Fire (2 of 3) SC:DDBC:DD:4A:Always Shoot Full Atomic Fire (3 of 3) S:04E4:03:Always Shoot Full Atomic Fire S:00AC:FF:Atomic Fire Always Fully Charged S:818E:C9:Auto Defeat Bosses At The Stage Start SC:81F3:69:29:Birds Always Appear at Boss Preview SC:D34A:A7:6F:Blink 1.5x Longer After Being Hit SC:D34A:FF:6F:Blink 2.3x Longer After Being Hit SC:D34A:DE:6F:Blink 2x Longer After Being Hit S:80D0:11:Can Pick Dr. Wily At Start Of Game SC:80D0:11:D0:Can Pick Dr. Wily At Start Of Game (8 Code Conversion) S:836F:04:Cannot Gain Any E-Tanks S:0035:0E:Climb Anywhere SC:BCF7:DD:DE:Collectable Items Never Disappear SC:E592:A0:C0:Contact With Regular Enemies or Pickups Gives You An Extra Life (1 of 3) SC:E594:D0:B0:Contact With Regular Enemies or Pickups Gives You An Extra Life (2 of 3) SC:E593:7B:76:Contact With Regular Enemies or Pickups Gives You An Extra Life (3 of 3) SC:EFCE:24:90:Continually Hit Anywhere (1 of 6) SC:E621:24:B0:Continually Hit Anywhere (2 of 6) SC:E632:D0:90:Continually Hit Anywhere (3 of 6) SC:E659:24:D0:Continually Hit Anywhere (4 of 6) SC:E664:24:F0:Continually Hit Anywhere (5 of 6) SC:E686:24:B0:Continually Hit Anywhere (6 of 6) SC:A4C0:A9:A5:Continue a Password Game with 4 Energy Tanks SC:C1BB:04:00:Continue With 4 Energy Tanks SC:B1DC:09:03:Continue with 9 Lives S:C444:D4:Cool Background! SC:E08C:1F:7E:Crash Bombs Explode In A Short Time SC:E08C:3F:7E:Crash Bombs Explode In Half The Time SC:E08C:FF:7E:Crash Bombs Explode In Twice The Time SC:E665:00:29:Destroy With One Shot Indestructible Objects/Enemies With Normal Weapon (1 of 5) SC:E65A:00:34:Destroy With One Shot Indestructible Objects/Enemies With Normal Weapon (2 of 5) SC:E982:00:02:Destroy With One Shot Indestructible Objects/Enemies With Normal Weapon (3 of 5) SC:E67F:A9:E5:Destroy With One Shot Indestructible Objects/Enemies With Normal Weapon (4 of 5) SC:A607:00:35:Destroy With One Shot Indestructible Objects/Enemies With Normal Weapon (5 of 5) S:824F:24:Different Music For The Capcom Logo SC:8CF3:00:80:Disable Skating On Ice On Flash Man's Stage SC:A23F:A5:85:Disable Title Screen Timer S:A028:51:Dogs In Woodman's Stage Do Not Fire S:F99B:F1:Dogs In Woodman's Stage Fire Travels A Short Distance SC:BCDD:D0:F0:Dropped Items From Enemies Float SC:80CA:10:D0:Enable Doctor Wily's Stage SC:F2BA:50:90:Enemies Always Drop Big Energy Refill (1 of 2) SC:F2BB:D9:CC:Enemies Always Drop Big Energy Refill (2 of 2) SC:F2BA:50:90:Enemies Always Drop Big Weapon Refill (1 of 2) SC:F2BB:D5:CC:Enemies Always Drop Big Weapon Refill (2 of 2) SC:F2BA:50:90:Enemies Always Drop Lives (1 of 2) SC:F2BB:DD:CC:Enemies Always Drop Lives (2 of 2) SC:F2BA:50:90:Enemies Always Drop Small Energy Refill (1 of 2) SC:F2BB:D1:CC:Enemies Always Drop Small Energy Refill (2 of 2) SC:F2BA:50:90:Enemies Always Drop Small Weapon Refill (1 of 2) SC:F2BB:CD:CC:Enemies Always Drop Small Weapon Refill (2 of 2) S:CF1B:ED:Enemies And Bosses Move Faster SC:EED5:B0:90:Enemies Automatically Die SC:F1CD:90:B0:Enemies Come After You More Aggressively SC:F243:B0:90:Enemies Move Away From You (Vertically) SC:9EF4:40:20:Fixes the sweep register reset issue with Game Genie SC:9264:23:AA:Freeze Enemies By Holding SELECT (1 of 3) SC:9265:29:F0:Freeze Enemies By Holding SELECT (2 of 3) SC:9269:F0:D0:Freeze Enemies By Holding SELECT (3 of 3) SC:9264:23:AA:Freeze Enemies Unless You Hold SELECT (1 of 2) SC:9265:29:F0:Freeze Enemies Unless You Hold SELECT (2 of 2) SC:9266:00:04:Freeze Enemies/Bosses SC:9266:00:04:Freeze Enemies/Bosses Except Boss #2 Of Dr.Wily's Castle (1 of 3) SC:9454:00:01:Freeze Enemies/Bosses Except Boss #2 Of Dr.Wily's Castle (2 of 3) SC:945A:00:01:Freeze Enemies/Bosses Except Boss #2 Of Dr.Wily's Castle (3 of 3) SC:9F87:4C:A9:Game Skips Intro Sequence (1 of 4) SC:9F88:B0:00:Game Skips Intro Sequence (2 of 4) SC:9F89:A7:85:Game Skips Intro Sequence (3 of 4) SC:9F8A:EA:AE:Game Skips Intro Sequence (4 of 4) SC:D06E:59:1E:Gameboy mode SC:DA6D:23:27:Gives burst-fire from normal weapon S:91ED:01:Go Into The Menu And Exit To Have A Strange Weapon S:91DB:11:Go Into The Menu And Exit To Have Flash Stopper S:91D0:11:Go Into The Menu And Exit To Have Metal Blades SC:925B:A9:25:Have All Weapons (Bosses are still active) (1 of 5) SC:926E:A9:25:Have All Weapons (Bosses are still active) (2 of 5) SC:93E4:AD:99:Have All Weapons (Bosses are still active) (3 of 5) SC:9434:A9:90:Have All Weapons (Bosses are still active) (4 of 5) SC:9493:A9:90:Have All Weapons (Bosses are still active) (5 of 5) SC:8310:24:30:Health Capsules Completely Refill Health SC:A5CA:24:B0:Hit Anywhere (1 of 2) SC:A5DC:50:90:Hit Anywhere (2 of 2) SC:E621:24:B0:Hit Anywhere v2 (1 of 5) SC:E632:D0:90:Hit Anywhere v2 (2 of 5) SC:E659:24:D0:Hit Anywhere v2 (3 of 5) SC:E664:24:F0:Hit Anywhere v2 (4 of 5) SC:E686:24:B0:Hit Anywhere v2 (5 of 5) S:003F:01:Ice Skating Mode S:00A4:30:Infinite #1 S:00A5:30:Infinite #2 S:00A6:30:Infinite #3 SC:DC76:A5:85:Infinite 1 SC:E224:A5:C6:Infinite 2 SC:E340:A5:C6:Infinite 3 S:009D:1E:Infinite Air Man SC:DADF:A5:85:Infinite Air Man S:009D:30:Infinite Air Shooter S:009F:30:Infinite Atomic Fire S:009C:30:Infinite Bubble Lead S:009F:1E:Infinite Bubble Man SC:DB34:A5:C6:Infinite Bubble Man S:00A3:30:Infinite Crash Bomber S:00A3:1E:Infinite Crash Man SC:DB8C:A5:85:Infinite Crash Man SC:E5A1:AD:8D:Infinite energy SC:E5A1:AC:8D:Infinite Energy (Except For Contact With Some Bosses) S:00A7:03:Infinite Energy Tanks S:00A1:1E:Infinite Flash Man S:06C0:30:Infinite Health SC:DDD9:A5:85:Infinite Heat Man S:009C:1F:Infinite Heat Man S:00A0:30:Infinite Leaf Shield SC:C1B6:A5:C6:Infinite lives S:00A8:04:Infinite Lives S:00A1:30:Infinite Metal Blade S:00A2:1E:Infinite Metal Man SC:DBC9:A5:C6:Infinite Metal Man S:009E:30:Infinite Quick Boomerang S:00A0:1E:Infinite Quick Man SC:DB6F:A5:C6:Infinite Quick Man S:00A2:30:Infinite Time Stopper S:009E:1E:Infinite Wood Man SC:DF63:A5:85:Infinite Wood Man SC:E0A5:F0:D0:Intstant Crash Bomb Explosions SC:CE34:85:A5:Invincibility (1 of 2) SC:CE36:50:F0:Invincibility (2 of 2) SC:CE36:D0:F0:Invincibility SC:8CBB:02:03:Invincibility against Spikes S:04C0:00:Jump Higher SC:8B83:20:AD:Jump In Mid-Air (Altered nolberto82's Moon Jump Code) (1 of 3) SC:8B84:8E:A0:Jump In Mid-Air (Altered nolberto82's Moon Jump Code) (2 of 3) SC:8B85:85:04:Jump In Mid-Air (Altered nolberto82's Moon Jump Code) (3 of 3) SC:8584:50:D0:Jump In Mid-Air (Alternative) (1 of 6) SC:859F:03:06:Jump In Mid-Air (Alternative) (2 of 6) SC:85ED:EA:60:Jump In Mid-Air (Alternative) (3 of 6) SC:85E7:05:06:Jump In Mid-Air (Alternative) (4 of 6) SC:874C:03:06:Jump In Mid-Air (Alternative) (5 of 6) SC:D33E:03:02:Jump In Mid-Air (Alternative) (6 of 6) SC:8673:11:14:Jump in Midair S:91E5:01:Keep Shooting An Enemy Until One Of Them Drops A Weapon Capsule S:002A:00:Level Highlighter SC:E664:A9:F0:Main Weapon Can Destroy Crash Blocks And Turrets S:0025:00:Make Individual Buster Shots Clustered SC:834F:24:30:Maximum weapon energy on pick-up S:002C:00:Mega Man Action Flag S:04E2:01:Mega Man's Leaf Shield Stays active S:0041:00:Mega Man's Right Traction Modifier SC:8A71:10:04:Mega power jumps SC:8904:49:29:Moonwalking SC:F01C:30:10:More Enemies SC:F023:10:30:More Enemies (Alt) SC:8022:F0:D0:No Audio S:06C1:00:No Boss Health SC:D761:90:B0:No enemies, just items remain S:F8F8:95:No Rabbits On Woodman's Stage SC:DA70:D0:F0:One Bullet Can Kill Multiple Enemies SC:E686:24:B0:One Hit Kills (1 of 2) SC:A634:24:B0:One Hit Kills (2 of 2) S:80CB:21:Pick A Boss And Start At Dr. Wily's Fortress SC:8A71:06:04:Power jumps S:9293:9D:Press Start While Highlighting E-Tanks And It Show S:0034:02:Press Up For Super High Jump S:0500:00:Remove Most Music, but leaves Sound Effects (1 of 9) S:0502:00:Remove Most Music, but leaves Sound Effects (2 of 9) S:050E:00:Remove Most Music, but leaves Sound Effects (3 of 9) S:051D:00:Remove Most Music, but leaves Sound Effects (4 of 9) S:051F:00:Remove Most Music, but leaves Sound Effects (5 of 9) S:0548:00:Remove Most Music, but leaves Sound Effects (6 of 9) S:054C:00:Remove Most Music, but leaves Sound Effects (7 of 9) S:053E:00:Remove Most Music, but leaves Sound Effects (8 of 9) S:0562:00:Remove Most Music, but leaves Sound Effects (9 of 9) S:05A8:00:Robot Masters Have No Invulnerability Time SC:E669:AD:5E:Shots Pierce Through Enemies SC:9F74:00:03:Skip Intro Screen SC:8155:F0:D0:Skip READY Dialog At Beginning Of Stage S:81B5:98:Skip The Bosses' Intro SC:E5E8:B9:99:Special Items Always Re-appear After Being Collected S:0600:01:Speed Modifier SC:849B:19:11:Stage Select Screen is Green SC:849B:16:11:Stage Select Screen is Red SC:8092:01:00:Start Halfway Through Each Stage SC:8092:02:00:Start Right Before Boss Room SC:8073:01:03:Start with 1 life SC:80C5:FF:1C:Start With 255 Life SC:808B:FF:1C:Start With 255 Weapon Ammo [All Weapons] SC:8073:06:03:Start with 6 lives SC:805C:09:00:Start With 9 E-Tanks SC:8073:09:03:Start with 9 lives SC:A312:FF:00:Start With All Weapons And 255 Lives At Dr. Wily's Stage (1 of 2) SC:A314:A8:FD:Start With All Weapons And 255 Lives At Dr. Wily's Stage (2 of 2) S:009A:FF:Start With All Weapons At Dr. Wily Stage (1 of 2) S:009B:FF:Start With All Weapons At Dr. Wily Stage (2 of 2) SC:A312:FF:00:Start With All Weapons At Dr. Wily's Stage (1 of 2) SC:A314:9A:FD:Start With All Weapons At Dr. Wily's Stage (2 of 2) SC:80C5:0E:1C:Start with half energy SC:DA09:FF:04:Stop Quick Man's Stage Beams S:00A9:00:Suit Modifier SC:8A71:08:04:Super Jump S:0030:1E:Super Jump S:0660:7E:Switch F/X On To Levitate Jump SC:E59E:ED:F9:Take Less Damage SC:E59E:ED:F9:Take Much Less Damage (1 of 2) SC:E59F:69:5C:Take Much Less Damage (2 of 2) S:0040:00:Treadmill Modifier S:004B:02:Untouchable SC:C56B:0F:00:View Ending At Level Select Screen SC:89F6:EA:8D:Walk Through Walls (1 of 2) SC:898C:EA:8D:Walk Through Walls (2 of 2) S:DCF4:90:Weapons Travel Super Fast S:862E:49:When You Fight Woodman, He Just Stands There S:0610:01:Wood Man's Leaf Shield Doesn't Stay on him SC:82BE:04:03:Wrap To The Top If You Fall Down A Pit (1 of 2) SC:8BAE:A9:E5:Wrap To The Top If You Fall Down A Pit (2 of 2)

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